Kissing, Marrying, and Killing with Hor

Ah yes, The Great Gatsby has finally come to an end. A rather shocking end, but it has come to an end. I honestly still can't believe that George Wilson thought that Gatsby was the man in Myrtle's love affair. Anyways, we're here to discuss three women and three men and whether Hor would Kiss, Marry, or Kill them - let's get to it!


Beginning with the women, I would much rather kiss Daisy Buchanan. While I find her to be an extremely dramatic annoyance, I don't find her too much of one to kill her. However, this keeps me from wanting to spend the rest of my life with her. Let's go back to chapter 5 with the shirt scene. While Daisy is at Gatsby's house, she begins to sob over Gatsby's shirts; “It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before.” I'm sorry. I know that strange things can be beautiful to some women, but this draws the line for me. The moment a woman cries *oddly* over something like a shirt is the moment that I walk out. It's like an over-sensitive person, I just don't have the patience. Daisy does not deserve to be killed, but I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with someone that cries over shirts.

As for the men, I would rather kiss Tom Buchanan. Like Daisy, I find Tom to be an annoyance - not to mention that he's a raging racist. I don't find him too obnoxious to the point of killing him, but I also don't find him too attractive to where I'd marry him. Tom is that somewhat perfect in-between. Once you get past the fact that Tom has probably a handful of mistresses - "He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He’s so dumb he doesn’t know he’s alive" - he's not that bad of a person. Yeah, he does degrade a handful of people, like he did to George Wilson in the above quote, but in the end, I think he just really loved Daisy. Strangely enough, his way of showing that love and affection seem to have been through abuse, both verbal and physical. Because of this, I'm out. (I won't marry him.)


I would rather marry Miss Jordan Baker. I feel that of the three, Jordan is the one I would pick to spend the rest of my life with. Mainly because she's a pro-golfer and I like me a woman that knows some golf, but also due to her beauty. I don't care about her "slender" body or the fact that she was a "small-breasted girl," I like her for who she is as a person. Back in chapter 3 at Gatsby's party, Jordan mentions this; "I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties, there isn’t any privacy." Here Jordan is saying that though large parties are filled with many people, there is more privacy because not everyone is listening to each other like at Myrtle Wilson's party in chapter 2. While I mentioned in the last blog post that I would go to Myrtle's party, I agree with Jordan here and share the same opinions as her. To me, Jordan is the epitome of America's 'new woman,' and I dig it.

With two choices left, I would rather pick Jay Gatsby to spend the rest of my life with. Seeing how high he's bounced for Daisy throughout the novel due to his profound love for her made me realize that though it might have been a little weird at first, it's a very thoughtful action to take, perhaps one that might've made you say 'aww' if Gatsby wasn't killed and he ended up with Daisy. Yes, I know, Gatsby is a "bootlegger" due to his alcohol selling business, but honestly, if a man is gonna keep a big house like the one that Gatsby has, then that man's gotta make some money somehow. IF (and this is a BIG if) I had to live life in a mansion as nice as Gatsby's while keeping quiet about his business affairs, I would do it in a heartbeat. Just sayin'.


Obviously, I would kill Myrtle Wilson. There is nothing about that woman that is either attractive or interesting. Quite frankly, I don't even understand what Tom saw in that woman. Spending 12 years married to George and still having an affair is just outright wrong, but then again what isn't wrong in this novel? But let's look back to chapter 2 and take a brief look at her little 'party of gossip,' where Tom broke Myrtle's nose and Myrtle changed her clothes, again. Throughout the novel, Mrytle was the most obnoxious woman when compared to Daisy and Jordan. As they drank, and drank, and drank, Myrtle got progressively more obnoxious until Tom finally put an end to it by giving her a broken nose. Up until her death, she was obnoxious, as she ran from George's garage yelling, "throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward!" Then she died.

I don't like the Wilson's, so I would choose to kill George Wilson as well. This man, the murderer of Gatsby, does not strike me in any way attractive or interesting. His character is virtually insignificant throughout the book, except when he decides to kill Gatsby and subsequently himself. However, with what we are told about him in the novel, he becomes very unappealing. When we first learn of George, he is described by Nick as a "blond, spiritless man." I would not want to kiss a spiritless man, nor marry one. That seems like a spiritless life. In chapter 7 though, when we find out that he basically jailed Myrtle when he found out about her affair, I was pretty shocked. I didn't think a blond, spiritless man could/would do something like that.

Well, that's all folks. I'm glad this book is over and I definitely cannot wait to do this seminar!!!!!
Hor, out.


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